Saturday, June 29, 2019

Tips on purchasing dairy products

As a child, one of your strongest memories is probably that of your mother telling you to finish your glass of milk. If you didn’t like it, chances are that either you were forced to gulp it down or else mummy added some Bournvita to make it yummy.

As you grew up, you probably realized that your strong bones and shiny pearls are a result of those umpteen glasses of milk you consumed. Yes, milk and milk-based products are an important part of our diet, whether as a child or as an adult. They feature in main courses as well as desserts, contributing to the flavor, color, texture and overall appearance of many foods.

Purchasing tips:

  • Buy low-fat or skimmed milk and milk products whenever possible as milk contains saturated fats and cholesterol.

  • Ensure that the temperature of the stored milk you are buying is between 30-40 F.

  • Buy non-fat or low-fat yogurt, instead of buying products high in fat such as sour cream and cream cheese.

  • Use margarine instead of butter as butter contains more saturated fats and cholesterol, though the calories and total fat content of both are nearly the same. The amount of fat and cholesterol in a single teaspoon of butter is not likely to disturb the day's balance, but a person with an extreme sensitivity to cholesterol should stick to margarine.

  • Replace butter as a cooking medium by a wide variety of cooking oils which have no cholesterol and are low in saturated fats.

Follow these tips and you will extract the maximum from your dairy products.

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