Showing posts with label Alcohol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alcohol. Show all posts

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Water and Alcohol

Water constitutes 60 percent of your body. It is present in your skin, hair and even in your teeth and bones. Water acts as a universal solvent that dissolves minerals and other compounds and carries them throughout your body. Water carries nutrients and other necessary building materials to each cell in the body, besides being an integral part of the cells themselves. Water is critical to the body's chemical reactions and also removes impurities from the bloodstream and vital organs.

Water acts as an ideal cushion between joints, organs and sensitive tissues. It maintains pressure on the optic nerves enabling vision, helps to stabilize blood pressure and regulate body temperature. It also cools the body by getting converted into water vapor due to body heat.

Did you know that your body loses about 1,000 ml of water daily through sweating and bypassing urine? This amount needs to be replenished daily by drinking, pub-8658045329707802, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0