Showing posts with label Diet with fiber. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diet with fiber. Show all posts

Monday, July 29, 2019

Five great ways to fiber up

Five great ways to fiber up
Five great ways to fiber up - "a good living life blog"
Are you having your fill of fiber? Unfortunately, most of the foods we eat such as milk and milk products contain little fiber. 

Even vegetables have relatively little fiber. So what do you do? How do you sneak fiber in your diet? But do you know why fiber is so important in your diet? 

Fiber-rich diets reduce blood sugar, serum cholesterol and relieve constipation, besides helping in the prevention and treatment of several diseases such as colon cancer and cardiovascular diseases. 

Seeing the multiple benefits of fiber, you should try to increase its intake and hit the 20 to 35-gram target every day. Here are five great ways to fiber up:

Change over to whole grains. You consume a whole variety of cereals every day but have you ever wondered whether it is whole grain or split or broken grain? Splitting means refining the cereal and as a result, the grain loses a good part of the fiber. Try to change over to whole cereals in foods such as bread, pasta, flour, buns, etc., pub-8658045329707802, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0